Try to relax and block all forms of distractions. Your 100% attention is highly needed.
I am going to share with you, the remedy that has helped hundreds, if not thousands of people to cure DIABETES, some who were even in danger of death.
A beneficiary of this great product i want to show you… a former diabetes sufferer.
This exact solution i want to reveal to you works for type 1 diabetes, type 2 diabetes and even pre-diabetes so please take few minutes of your time and read through because its a life changing discovery. One not of those greedy Nigerians out there that put up anything online just to get ones attention. I really care about you and your health so thats why i and my wife have decided to get these information across to anyone battling with diabetes. Unlike me, the doctor almost cut off my leg before i found this solution and as GOD will have it, i found Hope on facebook were a friend shared this solution. I decided to give it try and today, i am FREE from diabetes.
You really need to benefit from this. I want you to finally say BYE BYE to Diabetes. You’ll finally normalise your blood sugar and Jump Start your pancreas.
Yes, the story of my Diabetes cure seems almost impossible. And, incredible as it seems, it’s all true. I know this same solution will work for you because it has worked for others too
My name is David. I’m a 51ys old man with a wife and 2 children, and I’m the owner of a 5-star restaurant.
Now, I’m going to share my story with you, and honestly, it’s a little embarrassing, but it’s worth it to help you get free from your disease. A few years ago, I almost lost everything.
I’d been suffering from Type 2 Diabetes for over a decade. I always had to worry about which foods would send my blood sugar off the charts. Heck, I became a chef because I loved food, and now I was stuck eating bland, boring meals. I was a burden on my family, and I was terrified my kids would end up with my disease. Every single day I had to prick my finger to test my blood sugar, then give myself painful insulin shots.
I was spending about 63,000 Naira per month on insulin. I tried the other diabetes medications that my doctor recommended. That was a disaster. I emptied my bank account and just about killed myself taking them. Most of the drugs made me feel nauseous all the time, and most of them made me fat. Even when I spent a week at the beach with my family, I couldn’t relax, always worrying about my blood sugar, and whether I could get back to cooler if I needed insulin.
My Type 2 Diabetes was emptying my wallet, destroying my body, and making my life miserable. I felt trapped. You’ve probably felt that way before… terrified that your diabetes is going to make your life worse and worse, until it finally decides to kill you. But for me, it was about to get even worse. I’ll never forget that day in my restaurant’s kitchen… I was understaffed on a Saturday evening – the busiest shift of the week. My stress was through the roof, my heart was pounding, and the kitchen felt hotter and more humid than ever. I received an order for a medium-rare steak… …and then my knees went weak. The next thing I knew; I woke up in the hospital.
I saw my wife and 2 teenage kids sitting around me, their eyes red and puffy from crying. The room smelled like cleaning liquid, and I heard the steady beeping of the heart monitor. When my wife saw I was awake, she threw her arms around me, then called for the doctor. My son and daughter looked at me like they were watching their daddy die, and I guess they were. The doctor came in and explained what happened. “You went into a diabetic coma,” said the doctor.
“A Non-Ketotic Hyperglycemic Hyperosmolar Coma. Your blood glucose level was at 1,174.” One of the other chefs had rushed me to the hospital. If I’d been alone when it happened, I’d be dead. The doctor cleared his throat like he was nervous about telling me something even worse… “Because your diabetes is so advanced, we’ll need to amputate your legs… I’ve scheduled the surgery for this afternoon.” It’s every diabetic’s worst fear: Amputation. “No!” said my wife. “Absolutely not.” “I’m sorry,” the doctor insisted, “We can give him another 10 years to live, but we have to operate immediately.” My daughter started to cry. While my wife argued with the doctor, I got lost in my thoughts. Amputation. And only 10 years to live. I didn’t believe it. The doctor had to be wrong.
- How was I going to support my family?
- I couldn’t run a restaurant kitchen from a wheelchair!
- I would spend my last years crippled and useless.
- The future felt like a dark, terrifying path that I didn’t want to go through.
- It was like they had ripped away my golden years of retirement, robbed me of my chance to meet my grandchildren, and destroyed the life I’d worked so hard to build. But I’ll get to that in a second.)
Now, all the time I was thinking this, my wife was arguing with the doctor. And trust me, when my wife gets upset, she tends to get what she wants. When I started listening again, she was telling the doctor, “there is no way you’re cutting off his legs today.” “The longest we can wait to amputate is 90 days,” said the doctor. “If we wait any longer, it will be too dangerous.” My wife gave a short little nod like she’d won, but the tears glistening in her eyes told me she was heartbroken.
The next week was the worst week of my life. I sat at home on my couch, scared and depressed. My family treated me like I was already dead. My daughter said “I love you, Daddy” every time she walked by, and my son got mad and wouldn’t talk to me. He didn’t understand why I couldn’t be around forever. I was ready to give up But then, a Facebook post saved me.
My friend shared an article about a powerful solution being distributed by a particular company called Norland. The product was produced base on rogue diabetes researcher by named Roy Taylor shared; He’s a medical doctor and professor of medicine and metabolism at Newcastle University.
If you haven’t heard of Newcastle University, it’s in England, and it’s one of the most respected universities in the world, right up there with Harvard or Oxford. Other universities look to Newcastle as a pioneer in health research. Its professors and alumni have received numerous awards and medals for their achievements in science and medicine. More importantly, they’ve saved millions of lives by curing and preventing diseases. And Dr. Taylor fits right in. His research has been published in dozens of medical journals, changing the way we see diabetes. Yale University even tried to hire him, but he felt loyal to Newcastle.
Here’s what Dr. Taylor discovered: fat deposits around the pancreas are the primary cause of the disease.
See, the pancreas produce insulin, the hormone that helps your body absorb blood sugar. That means the pancreas is the organ responsible for keeping your blood glucose levels normal. It’s a precise job – not enough insulin, and your blood sugar will skyrocket. When fat deposits “form” around the pancreas, it throws everything out of whack. That fat squeezes and invades the pancreas, preventing it from producing enough insulin, and increasing your body’s insulin resistance. That means your bloodstream gets less insulin, and the insulin that’s actually there can barely do its job of helping your body absorb blood sugar. Dr. Taylor gave this same solution I am talking about to people with Type 2 Diabetes from all walks of life: men, women, young, old, the newly diagnosed and people who’d had the disease for decades…
The results were amazing.
Everyone who completed the supplement saw the fat deposits around their pancreas disappear, their blood sugar normalizes, and their Type 2 Diabetes reversed. Every single person was able to stop taking their medication. I’ll say that again: all of those that uses it. Remember, these results were peer reviewed in the medical journal Diabetologia, which means other researchers tested them for accuracy with the utmost scrutiny. When I read how successful this was, I was both excited and furious. Excited because now I had hope for the future. And furious because Dr. Taylor talked about this solution several years ago.
“Why wasn’t this the first thing my doctor told me when I was diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes?” What he should have said was: “You have this disease, now let’s get rid of it.” Instead, what they actually said was: “You have this disease, let’s put a band aid on the symptoms.” Because that’s what diabetes medication and insulin shots are: “band aid fixes” that only treat the symptoms… …when the root cause of your disease is the fat deposits around your pancreas.
Now, I wasn’t just complaining, I really wanted to know why I’d never heard about this. I’ve gone to the same doctor for 20 years. I trust him. If he knew there was a solution, he would have told me. What I discovered next made my blood boil: The federal government recently charged the diabetes medication manufacturer Sanofi with fraud: Big pharma has been bribing doctors and hospitals to prescribe their diabetes medication. It’s a French company called Sanofi, and they’ve been charged with bribing hospitals and doctors in the U.S. and other part of the world including Nigeria to prescribe Sanofi diabetes medication. I’m talking tens of millions of dollars. Obviously, they couldn’t have bribed every single doctor, but they don’t have to. Just bribing a few is enough to stop the news of this discovery from spreading. So I knew if I wanted to reverse my diabetes, I was on my own.
I started using the supplement that was produced based on Dr. Taylor researched (The exact supplement I want to show you); I tried it out, and it worked… After just 3 months, my blood glucose levels were normal… and I didn’t need insulin injections. I noticed…. If you boost your metabolism, then your disease can’t come back. The solution I am talking also helped me to boost my metabolism so my diabetes doesn’t come back again. Can you imagine how excited I was? With this latest discovery…
- I actually reversed my Type 2 Diabetes.
- I told my wife and she wept for joy.
Then came the day I’d been dreading: My next appointment with my doctor. He wanted to check how I was doing… And schedule the surgery to amputate my legs. I went to the hospital, they did their tests, and then I waited in the exam room. First, the doctor stuck his head in. “There’s something wrong with the tests.
We’re running them again.” So I waited even longer.
Finally, he came back. “What did you do?” he asked, looking at his clipboard. For a second, I thought he was mad at me. “What did you change?” he asked again. “A new diet?” I told him about jumpstarting my pancreas … with this supplement i want to show you. I told him how Dr Taylor did a research based on the supplement and how it was produced based on his research. “Well,” said the doctor, “that just saved your legs, and your life. “We don’t need to amputate. And as healthy as these tests look, you could live to be a hundred.
“3 months ago you had about the worst case of Type 2 Diabetes I’ve ever seen. And now it’s like you never had it at all. It’s a miracle.”
I want you to imagine what it felt like to hear the doctor say “your diabetes has disappeared.” Suddenly, I had my whole life ahead of me. I would never again have to stick myself with painful insulin needles. I would never again have to feel like a burden to my family and friends. I could go walking down the hill, or to the beach, or on any vacation with my family and not worry about how tired I would get, or what food I could eat. I was finally free.
That evening over a scrumptious dinner, I told my wife everything. “We have to share your secret,” my wife said. Now, I don’t know what I was thinking, but I was hopeful the pharmaceutical companies would want to hear me out. I called, and wrote letters for this solution to be publish on the medical journal, but it was no use. Of course they didn’t care.
The pharmaceutical companies make over $245 billon on diabetes every year, and they know exactly how much each one of their customers is worth. I was mad as hell. My wife and I decided to form a group of people who know the truth about the real cause of Type 2 Diabetes, and the secret to jumpstarting your pancreas so you can throw away your medication. We started with friends, family, and neighbours – anyone we knew who suffered from Type 2 diabetes or pre-diabetes. We shared my story, and invited them to try out the exact solution i had used. I couldn’t believe the results…
Everyone who completed the 3 months’ treatment reversed their Type 2 Diabetes.They couldn’t thank us enough. People all over the world are using this solution And it’s working perfectly well. This solution has been saving lives, and giving people hope and optimism about the future. If you’ve gone through this page to this length, then I think you’re ready to be part of this exclusive group of people. I want you to have your very own bottle(s) of this powerful solution. I want you to be one of the few who knows how to Destroy Your Type 2 Diabetes…
Here is the powerful diabetes destroyer and blood sugar normaliser product (supplement) I’ve been talking about…
Norland HealthWay Capsules
Norland HealthWay Capsules is very effective in managing diabetes.
- Lower blood sugar and cholesterol level
- Stimulate your pancreas to release more 1nsulin
- Increases the rate of 1nsulin production in the body
- Helps the 1nsulin work better
- Releases more glucose into the urine
- Reduces the amount of glucose your liver produces
- Clears out all the symptoms of diabetes you have been observing
- Helps in normalizing harmful free radicals
- It enhance protein metabolism and it also help to eliminate fatigue, weakness and depression
It works by smooth sugar lowering, activation of islets, regulates/stabilizes blood sugar (high and low) and prevents complications. You can see the ingredient and other useful information on the bottle of the product once you get yours. Main Ingredients: Chinese wolfberry extractive, ginseng extract, chromium yeast, selenium yeast, zink lactate, salad oil, beeswax, soybean lecithin, gelatin, glycertin, purified water, titanium dioxide, and egg yoke pigmentation (mountain lemon yellow, sunset yellow and sodium chloride)
Symbolic Ingredients and Contents: Each 100g contains Chrome 14.1mg, crude polysaccharide 160mg
Health Function: Assist in regulating blood glucose level
Suitable for: People with high blood glucose
Unsuitable for: Children
Usage and Dosage: 1 capsule once a day per, 30 mins before breakfast Specification: 800mg/capsule
Shelf life: 24 months
Production and Expiration Date: On container
Storage Method: Sealed and kept in a cool dry place, avoid direct sunlight.
Precautions: This product cannot replace the medicine; nutrients are added in the products, and it is advised not to exceed recommended dosage if taking with similar nutrients; not applicable to people living in areas with high content of selenium.
– What This means is, if you are using insulin or any diabetes medication given to you by your doctor, you are advise to keep using it. Once you start seeing changes. you can decide to inform your doctor about it.